Whether you’re promoting new music or just want to make your existing catalog easy to find, you'll want to be sure all your different platforms can be found with just a few clicks. The ‘Smart Links’ feature allows you to quickly organize as many services in a stacked layout as you want. Your fans can easily browse what’s available, and click on a link to check out your music in their preferred way.

Here are the steps to create a Smart Link for your music release:

  • Choose a Smart Links page template
  • Customize the look of your Smart Links page
  • Create your Smart Links
  • Reviewing your traffic data

Choose a Smart Links page template

It’s now quicker and easier than ever to add a Smart Links page to your site, using our premade page templates. Each content template offers a suggested layout for your Smart Links page.

To create a Smart Links page and choose a template:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the circular ‘Pages’ button on the left
  2. Click ‘Add a page’
  3. Click on ‘Smart Links Page Templates’ to expand the options
  4. Select your desired page template
    • Smart Links: Promote your music with links to your release on streaming platforms.
    • Link in bio: Highlight all of your essential links on one page in a grid layout.

Customize the look of your Smart Links page

Next you’ll want to fully customize the look of your Smart Links page by choosing the Section Style which will be applied and possibly adding a background image. The Section Style will determine the color scheme applied to the page and a background image is a great way to reinforce your branding or the artwork off your latest release, really setting the tone for your Smart Links page.

To customize the look of your page:

  1. With your Smart Links page open in your ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover your cursor over the ‘Smart Links’ feature and click the blue ‘Edit Section’ button that will appear at the top left corner of the section area.
  2. Adjust each of the following customization options:
    • Title: Displays at the top of the content section
    • Show title: Toggle ‘on’ if you want this section title to be visible on the site, or ‘off’ if you want the section title to be hidden
    • Show in menu: Toggle off to remove your Smart Links page from your site’s menu
    • Section title alignment: Select ‘Left’, ‘Center’, or ‘Right’ to determine the placement of the title within the section.
    • Section colors: Select the section style you want applied to your Smart Links page.
    • Background image: Click ‘Add Image’ to add a photo to be displayed in the background of the content section.
      • Scroll effect: Choose how the background image displays when visitors scroll up and down the Smart Links page. Select from ‘Normal’, ‘Parallax’, or ‘Fixed’.
      • Image transparency: Adjust the slider to make the background image more or less transparent against the page background color.
    • Section padding: Using the dropdown, choose the amount of padding you want in this section (none, extra small, small, medium, large, or extra large). Padding adds space at the top and bottom of that specific section.
    • Content vertical alignment: Shift your content up or down within the section using the Top, Center or Bottom settings.

Create your Smart Links

Now you’ll want to populate your ‘Smart Links’ feature with the URLs to the different services you’d like to feature.

To create your links:

  1. Click on the ‘Smart Links’ feature box while in your ‘Edit Content’ tab
  2. Use the settings in the toolbar on the left of the screen to add your Smart Links content
    • Smart links page URL: Share this URL to direct people to your Smart Links page
    • Sell Music: Select from one of your existing albums or tracks to add it for purchase on your Smart Links page
    • Promo info: Add promotional images and text to be displayed along with your Smart Links
      • Image: Click ‘Add image’ to upload an image to be displayed alongside your Smart Links.
      • Use this image as the section background: Toggle this on to use the same image as the section background.
      • Title and Text: Add any relevant info here to describe your links.
      • Text alignment + Text alignment mobile: Adjust your promo text to be ‘Left’, ‘Center’, or Right’-aligned.
    • Links: Start adding your Smart Links by selecting your services from the drop-down, one by one.
      • URL: Paste in the link to your profile on this service.
      • Button text: Customize the text that will display on your Smart Link button.

Note: Repeat this process for each Smart Link button you would like to add.

Reviewing your traffic data

Once you’ve shared your Smart Links page and started getting hits, you can keep an eye on the traffic data in your ‘Reports’ tab. See how many people are landing on it, where they’re coming from, and which links they’re clicking on once there.

To check your page’s site traffic data:

  1. Click on your ‘Reports’ tab
  2. Click ‘Page stats’ on the left
  3. Under ‘Pages,’ click the drop-down menu and then on ‘Landing pages’
  4. Click on your Smart Links page to open its traffic stats

For more details on how to interpret your page-level data, please view the 'Using the Reports Tab' article.

To learn more about using Smart Links to promote your music, please see 5 ways to use Smart Links to promote your music.