When you share a link to Facebook, a thumbnail image and description is automatically generated. Most of the time Facebook uses your project image. If you are sharing an audio track or an event though, Facebook will use the image uploaded within that feature. Sometimes, even after you update the image or description, Facebook won't recognize the change right away.

This help article includes the following information:

  • How to update your project image and description
  • How to use the Facebook Debugger Tool
  • Troubleshooting tips

How to update your project image and description:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Pages’ button on the left side of the screen
  2. Select ‘Site-wide settings’ from below the list of pages
  3. Under the ‘Site profile’ tab, you can update the following:
    • Project name: This will display in the browser tab at the top of the screen when your site is loaded, and within your Bandzoogle account as the username dropdown item next to the ‘View site’ button. It is also visible when you post in the ‘Community’ tab.
    • Category, Type, Genre, City/Town: This will be listed when you post a link to Facebook. It will also be used to generate the artist description posted in search engine results from Google.
    • Short description: This description appears in search engine results, or when you share your website address to social media sites like Facebook.
    • Time zone: This is used to determine what date/time to show in blog posts, the community, and for the reports tab. This determines what time zone to use when you’ve scheduled specific times for sending campaigns out to fans through your Mailing List tab.
    • Site language: All the built-in content (buttons, messages, receipts, etc) will automatically translate to the language you assign here.
    • Project image: This image is used when sharing your site to social media platforms like Facebook. Note that if the image does not measure at least 1200 x 630 pixels, or is larger than 2000 pixels wide, Facebook may choose an alternate image from the site you are sharing. (To learn more about image sizes on Facebook, click here.)
  4. Click ‘Save’

How to use the Facebook Debugger Tool

After updating project information on your website, submit your site to Facebook's debugger tool. This should speed up the time it takes for Facebook to update the information on their end.

  1. Go to the Facebook Debugger Tool page
  2. Enter your website address in this format:
    • https://websiteaddress.com
  3. Click ‘Show existing scrape information’
    • This will show you what Facebook is currently using
  4. Click ‘Fetch new scrape information’
    • Scroll down to check that the new image and description has been updated

Troubleshooting Tips

Image Size

Facebook states that images measuring 1200 x 630 pixels to fit nicely in the newsfeed. If it is smaller, Facebook may choose an alternate image from your site. If the image is not close to those dimensions, Facebook may crop it, or use any alternate image on your site. If your image will not update using their debugger tool:

  1. Resize it on your computer by at least one pixel
  2. Re-upload it to the site-wide settings section of your Bandzoogle account (using the instructions above)
  3. Run your site through the Facebook Debugger Tool again (using the instructions above)

For more about images on Facebook, check out this link.

Using an alternate URL

  1. Go to the Facebook Debugger Tool page
  2. Enter your website address in an alternate format:
    • https://websiteaddress.com/home
    • If you want Facebook to recognize a new image for an event use your events page url
      • Example: https://websiteaddress.com/events
    • If you want Facebook to recognize a new image for an album use your music page or album url
      • Examples:
        • https://websiteaddress.com/music
        • http://websiteaddress.com/album/777143/albumname
  3. Click ‘Fetch new scrape information’
    • Scroll down to check that the new image and description has been updated

Multiple Scrapes

If all else fails, repeat the steps for ‘How to use the Facebook Debug Tool’ and ‘Using and Alternate URL’ 2-5 times. We’ve actually seen this work after multiple attempts.

Note: Although the Facebook debugging tool will work the majority of the time, it's possible that Facebook will not recognize the change. Unfortunately the team at bandzoogle has no control over what Facebook displays on their platform. If you’ve gone through the troubleshooting steps listed above and your image or description won’t update on Facebook, you’ll have to wait on Facebook or check their support page for more help.