Selling products directly from your website is a great way to earn income as an artist. Adding a featured product landing page is a great way to promote exclusive items to your fans.

This help article includes the following:

  • How to create a landing page
  • How to populate your product headline
  • How to populate the ‘Store’ feature
  • How to create a new ‘Store’ product
  • How to add a Featured product Landing page

The Featured product landing page template is a pro feature. To add a ‘Featured product’ landing page to your website, follow these steps:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’
  2. Select ‘Add a page’
  3. In the ‘Page types’ area, click on ‘Landing page templates’
  4. From the dropdown options, select ‘Featured product’
  5. Name your page in the ‘Title’ field (defaults to ‘Featured product’ if unchanged)
  6. Adjust your ‘Menu settings’

Note: If you’d like to use this page exclusively as a promotional link, select ‘Not in menu’ and it will not appear in your website’s main menu. You can provide the page url to your fans. Adjust your ‘Page options.’ To learn more about ‘Page options,’ please read the ‘Adding Pages’ help article. Click ‘Create my page’

How to populate your product headline

The product headline on this page is a great place to add text that describes your item. The product headline sits in the ‘Section properties’ which offers additional styling options. To populate the product headline, follow these steps:

  1. On your ‘Feature product Landing page,’ click on the text that reads ‘Add your featured product headline here’
  2. In the ‘Section properties,’ highlight the ‘Title’ and use your keyboard to replace the text with your desired headline
  3. Click ‘Save’

To learn more about the ‘Section properties’ options, please read the ‘Styled Website Sections’ help article.

How to populate the ‘Store’ feature

The Bandzoogle ‘Store’ feature allows you to sell a variety of items, including clothing, stickers, digital files, and more. On your Landing page, you can use products you’ve added elsewhere on your site or you can create a new product.

To add a previously created item, follow these steps:

  1. On your ‘Feature product Landing page,’ click on the ‘Store’ feature
  2. In your ‘Store’ feature options, click ‘Add product’
  3. In the ‘Add product’ overview, click on the ‘Use existing product’ or ‘Use Printful product’ option
  4. Next to your product name and description, click ‘Add product’
  5. Click on the ‘Back’ button to save and return to your landing page

How to create a new product

If you would like to create a product that is exclusive to your ‘Featured product Landing page’ you can create a new product.

To learn about creating physical merch products, please see the ‘Selling Physical Merch’ help article.