There are lots of places on your website to add a quote or testimonial. From your homepage to a press kit page, using a quote gives your website - and your music - some authority.

The Quote feature allows you to add a quote from a trusted source along with a link. It will display directly on your page and match your website design.

How to add a quote to your website:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content tab’ select ‘Add Feature’
  2. Select ‘Quote’ and use the placement arrows to set the feature’s location
  3. In the ‘Quote’ field, paste in or type the text of the quote-
    • You don’t need to add in quotation marks - we’ll add them automatically.
  4. In the ‘Source’ field, enter the quote’s source
    • This could be a reviewer, venue owner, musician, or any other trusted source.
  5. In the ‘Source link’ field, enter the url of where the review is located online (a music blog or an online newspaper, for example)
    • Make sure the "http://www." portion of the URL is included in the address.
    • Adding a url link adds authority to the quote, but is not required.
  6. Click ‘Save’

Where can you use a quote?

You can add a Quote feature to any page. Here are a few examples where it would work well to add a quote:

On your homepage

A quote is a great way to introduce your style of music to your fans right away on your landing page.

On your ‘About’ page

Use a quote that describes you as a musician in the bio section of your ‘About’ page.

On your ‘Music’ page

Add a quote from a reviewer or radio station to call attention to your latest album or single.

On your ‘Press Kit’ page

Design your EPK page to include a quote about your live show.

Quotes are a great way to sprinkle in some information about yourself from outside sources. They come across as trusted, and lend authority to the impression you’re creating.