We’re proudly partnered with Bandsintown to make it easy to display events on your website. This will display a list upcoming of events that matches the design of your Bandzoogle website.

How to add a Bandsintown feature to your website:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Add feature’
  2. Select the ‘Bandsintown’ feature
  3. Use the placement arrows to set the feature’s location
  4. In the feature setup, enter your Bandsintown account name
  5. Choose your 'Display format' from the following options:
    • List - Event details are included in a list view on the main page. You have the option to set the number of upcoming events on the page.
    • Calendar - Monthly view of your upcoming and past events. Visitors can click highlighted dates for event details, and browse events by month.
    • Table - Displays upcoming events in a table with columns (date, event, location). Event titles are clickable, and open a pop-up to display additional event details.
  6. If using the 'List' display, click on the dropdown to select the number of 'Events per page' that will be displayed on your site
  7. Toggle on or off the ‘Show “Follow us” link.’ When enabled, website visitors can click on a direct link to your Bandsintown page and follow you from within Bandsintown
  8. Toggle on or off the ‘Show "Request a Show" link.’ When enabled, website visitors can click on a direct link to your Bandsintown page where they can request a show through Bandsintown
  9. Click ‘Save’

This will populate your Bandsintown events onto the page. You can change the display format for your Bandsintown feature at any time without affecting your existing event listings.

Once added, your fans can see show details directly on your website. This includes buttons to ‘Get Tickets’ to each show and to ‘Set Reminder’ to get a show reminder.


  • After you have the Bandsintown feature added to your website you can easily add new events from your Bandsintown page or even from the Bandsintown app on your mobile device. Any shows added to Bandsintown will automatically display on your website.
  • Past events will not display in the Bandsintown feature.