Bandzoogle was created to make it easy for anyone to create a website, without requiring coding skills. For our more adventurous users, our system allows you to modify certain aspects of your website, using custom code.

How to add HTML, CSS or Javascript to a single page:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’ and open the page on which you’ll be working
  2. Click ‘Add feature’
  3. Select the ‘HTML code’ feature in the ‘Basic Features’ section
  4. Use the placement arrows on that page to set the feature’s location
  5. Paste in your HTML, CSS, or Javascript code
  6. Click ’Preview’ to view the site through your control panel
  7. Click ‘Save’ to add it to your page

How to add CSS across all pages:

  1. From the ‘Edit Theme’ tab, scroll to the bottom of the editor bar on the left
  2. Click ‘Customize CSS’
  3. Read the Bandzoogle custom CSS guidelines, click ‘Ok, I got it!’
  4. Paste in your HTML, CSS, or Javascript code
  5. Click ‘Save’ to accept the code or ‘Revert Changes’ to clear the field

Warning: If you do not fully understand CSS, please do not use it, as it can negatively affect your website.

How to add HTML, header tags, or Javascript across all pages:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’
  2. Select ‘Site-wide settings’ from below the list of pages
  3. Open the ‘Headers & Metatags’ tab
  4. Paste in your HTML, CSS, or Javascript code
  5. Click ‘Save’ to accept the code

Warning: This is an advanced feature. This content is added directly to the < head > of every page on your website. Only use this if you understand what it means. Misuse can easily make your website stop working. We cannot provide support for problems caused by what you add here.


  • Changes made to the ‘Customize CSS’ section in the ‘Edit Theme’ tab will override the controls in the design section. This is for advanced users only. We cannot provide support for custom code. If invalid code is entered it may cause your website to display incorrectly.
  • All CSS code added to your account will be removed if you change your site’s template.
  • We cannot modify or provide support for external HTML code. If you have questions or concerns about the embedded feature, or require support for the widget, you’ll need to contact the company that supplied the code.