It's easy to add a nicely formatted title above any feature on your site by using the Title feature. Titles can also be added using the Sections option in the ‘Edit Content’ tab.

How to add feature titles to your website’s content area:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’ and open the page on which you’ll be working
  2. Click ‘Add feature’
  3. Select the ‘Title’ feature
  4. Use the placement arrows on that page to set the feature’s location
  5. Enter your title in the blank box
  6. Hit ‘Enter’ on your keyboard or click anywhere outside of the title box to commit the change

You can adjust the size and font of titles in the ‘Edit Theme’ tab. You can read more about that here.

Best practice: The main content text should use both upper and lowercase fonts. Bold, italic, or all caps should be reserved for for titles and announcements to make them stand out.