Social media is a great tool but with it being so unpredictable it’s best to drive fans to your website when possible. When a fan hits your website you want to get them on your mailing list. Email newsletters are a great way to stay in touch about new music releases, upcoming shows, and general updates.

For information on sending mail campaigns, please view the ‘Email Campaigns and Newsletters’ Help article.

This Help article includes:

  • How to add mailing list members
    • Mailing List Signup form
    • Manually adding members
    • Importing a mailing list
    • Pasting a mailing list
  • Building a mailing list
    • Tracking mailing list signups
  • Disabled member imports
  • Exporting a mailing list
  • How fans can become site members
  • Viewing and searching members
  • Blocking/Unblocking Fans
  • Email groups
    • Adding members to a group
    • Removing members from a group
    • Creating a new group
    • Managing groups

Adding Mailing List Members

The first step in getting email campaigns to your fans is by having a mailing list. The Bandzoogle mailing list tool offers four ways to add members to your list.

Warning: It is against our terms of service to upload purchased mailing lists or to add anyone to your list who didn’t give you permission to do so. We also do not allow the sending of unsolicited email to anyone who did not sign up to your mailing list themselves.

Mailing List Signup Form

This is the most common way to have fans become part of your mailing list.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’ and open the page on which you’ll be working
  2. Click ‘Add feature’
  3. Select the ‘Mailing list signup form’ feature
  4. Use the placement arrows on that page to set the feature’s location
  5. Select your 'Signup options'
    • Automatically add new members to a group: Toggle on if you want those signing up to this particular mailing list signup form to be added to a specific group.
      • If toggled on, select the group from the dropdown or click ‘New group’ to add a new group.
    • Give a free download on signup: The site member will receive the selected track or album after they click the confirmation link in the verification email sent after sign up.
      • Allows you to provide any track or album already uploaded through a Music feature.
  6. Add your 'Display options':
    • Title: The text that will display above the mailing list signup form on your website.
    • Description (Optional): Add additional text to let fans know about the free track upon sign up, or any other details you’d like them to know about being on your mailing list.
  7. Click ‘Save’

Note: When a site visitor enters their email address into the Mailing List Signup Form feature, our system will issue a verification email to their address. Once they click the verification link contained in that message, their address will be automatically added to your mailing list.

Manually adding members

Use this to add one member at a time. This is useful if someone at a show, for example, asks to be added to your mailing list.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. Click ‘Add member’
  4. Enter the member details
  5. Select any group you’d like to add the member to, or click ‘Add group’ to create a new group
  6. Click ‘Save’

Importing a mailing list

You can import a mailing list in CSV (comma separated values) format for members who have previously opted in to your list. It is very important that you only import a list of people that have given you permission to be added to your list.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. Click ‘Import’
  4. Enter the name of your import list
  5. Select ‘Import your list from a CSV file’
  6. Click ‘Choose file’, locate the file on your computer and click ‘OK’
  7. Check the ‘Certification box’ to confirm your acceptance of our mailing list import terms
  8. Click ‘Continue’

If you get an error when uploading, please view the ‘Disabled Member Imports’ section below.

Pasting in a mailing list

If you have a mailing list you’ve built elsewhere you can paste the list into your Bandzoogle account.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. Click ‘Import’
  4. Select ‘Copy and paste your list’
  5. Paste your list from a spreadsheet or a list of addresses from an email

Note: All emails must be separated by a comma. Pasted emails can be in the following format - "Jane Doe" <>, "John Doe" <>

Notes: It is against our terms to add any of the following:

  • Addresses from a purchased list of ANY kind.
  • Non-specific addresses such as:,,,, or other generic addresses.
  • Distribution lists or mailing lists which send indirectly to a variety of email addresses.

Building a mailing list

If you’d like to build your mailing list with dedicated fans, the ‘Mailing List Signup Form’ feature offers the option to send a file to new members in exchange for their email address. To use this option, add a ‘Music’ or ‘File List’ feature anywhere on your Bandzoogle website and upload the track or file you’d like to offer as an incentive. Then, follow these steps:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’ and open the page on which you’ll be working
  2. Click ‘Add feature’
  3. Select the ‘Mailing list signup form’ feature
  4. Use the placement arrows on that page to set the feature’s location
  5. Select your ‘Signup options’:
    • Automatically add new members to a group: Toggle on if you want those signing up to this particular mailing list signup form to be added to a specific group.
      • If toggled on, select the group from the dropdown or click ‘New group’ to add a new group.
    • Give a free download on signup: The site member will receive the selected track or album after they click the confirmation link in the verification email sent after sign up.
  6. In the ‘Signup options’, toggle on ‘Give a free download on signup’
  7. Use the dropdown to select the track, album, single, or file download you will provide in exchange for mailing list signup
  8. Add your ‘Display options’:
    • Title: The text that will display above the mailing list signup form on your website.
    • Description (Optional): Add additional text to let fans know about the free track upon sign up, or any other details you’d like them to know about being on your mailing list.
  9. Click ‘Save’

Tracking mailing list signups

If you have connected your ‘Reports’ tab to Google Analytics you’ll be able to view the number of mailing list signups on each page where you’ve added a ‘Mailing List Signup’ feature. To view mailing list signups in your page level reports, follow these steps:

  1. In your control panel, click on the ‘Reports’ tab
  2. In the left column of options, click ‘Page stats’
  3. In the ‘Pages’ area, click on the name of the page where you’ve added a ‘Mailing List Signup’ feature
  4. At the top left of the page level stats, use the dropdown or calendar view to choose a date range for your report
  5. In the page level stats, you’ll see the total number of mailing list signups listed for the data range you’ve selected

If you want to learn more about connecting Google Analytics to your website, please read the ‘Using the Reports tab’ help article. Page level data is available for Pro members who have connected to Google Analytics.

Disabled member imports

The Bandzoogle mailing list system audits all imported lists. Your member imports can be disabled for the following reasons:

  • You are attempting to import over 2000 members, OR have imported more than 2000 members in the last 7 days, and are attempting to import more.
  • Your list contains invalid or questionable email addresses. Example: The email begins with ‘postmaster’ or ‘admin’ or ends with or (or similar)
  • Previous email campaign titles or content appears to be spammy, or includes content that is not related to what recipients expected to receive.

If any of these criteria are found in the audit, mailing list imports automatically are disabled for one week. We do this to ensure the reputation of our campaign servers - if the servers are blocked by a large provider like Yahoo or Google, this will affect every account that uses our service.

Note: If you have recently cleaned up your list or believe your import has been flagged incorrectly, we can manually inspect your list. Please email the CSV file you’d like to import to our support team from the ‘Help’ tab in your account. Our support team will perform a manual check to ensure the list is legitimate. If so, we will manually enable the import for your account.

Exporting your mailing list

When selecting one of the export options, a CSV file will be downloaded to your computer. You can use this as a backup or import it to another mailing list service.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. Click ‘Export’
  4. Select your export option
    • Export all: Export your full mailing list.
    • Export search results (#): After you’ve done a search from your list you can export those results. Example: If you search for a specific group name you can export only that group.
    • Export selected: This option will export any members you’ve checked in the list to the right of the member email address.

Website members

Visitors to your website can become website members through specific features. These features include: Subscriptions, Blog, Forum, Guestbook, and Music.

From these features a website visitor can:

  • Register as a member
  • Sign in as a website member
  • Update their site profile with an image, username, email address, and password.
    • Member image and usernames will display next to blog comments, guestbook posts, or forum posts.

All website members will be added to your mailing list.

How to view or update member details:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. Click the email address of the member you’d like to access
  4. Add member details and select any additional member options or notes
  5. Click ‘Save’


  • Member details are only for internal use and won’t be seen or included in any email campaigns.

  • Active subscribers and site members who appear in your ‘Invalid Emails’ list are not allowed to be removed.

Viewing and searching members

As your group of members grows you may want to view different aspects of your list. You have a few options to do this.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Select the ‘Manage Members’ tab in the options pane on the left
  3. From the ‘Show’ dropdown, choose one of the following:
    • Subscribed to mailing list (default): Displays a list of all subscribers to your list.
    • Ungrouped: Displays any member in the list that is not in a group.
    • Group name: Select one of your groups from the dropdown to view members in that group.
    • Invalid addresses: After an address bounces twice (two separate mailouts), it will automatically will be taken out of your member list and put into the ‘Invalid Addresses’ list. When a mail bounces it means that the email address is invalid, no longer active, blocked, or the recipient's mailbox is full. Members will only be moved to the ‘Invalid Addresses’ list after a second bounced email (because sometimes the email is valid but only bounces once, like in the case of a full inbox).
    • From the last import: Displays a list of the members most recently imported.
    • Blocked members: Members you have manually blocked in the member details page.

Blocking/Unblocking Fans

Blocked fans will not receive your mailing list campaigns, and they will not be able to log in to your site as a member. Blocked fans are set manually by the account owner.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Click the email address of the member you’d like to access
  3. Next to the ‘Blocked’ option, select ‘Yes’ to block or ‘No’ to unblock a member
  4. Click ‘Save’

Email Groups

Adding fans to different groups is a great way to stay organized. This is also useful for knowing what page or referral source a fan used to get on your list.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the ‘Mailing List’ tab
  2. Click ‘Group’
  3. From the ‘Group’ dropdown, choose one of the following:
    • Adding to group: Check the box next to the email addresses of those you’d like to add to a group then select the group name from the dropdown
    • Remove from group: Check the box next to the email addresses of those you’d like to add to a group then select the group name from the dropdown
    • Create New Group: Type in your group name, click ‘Save’
      • If you have members selected in the list before you click ‘Create new group’ you will see an option to add those members to this new group.
    • Manage Groups: Here you can rename, delete or add more groups.

Warning: By using our mailing list feature, you agree to our terms of use, which includes only sending messages to recipients who have signed up to your list. Sending unsolicited messages is not permitted and will result in the deletion of your account.