We hate to see you go! But if you need to, canceling your account is easy. If you’d like to stick around but just need a break, or if your band called it quits, we can help. Please contact our support team and we’ll offer alternative options.

How to cancel your paid account:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab click the arrow next to your username in the top right corner
  2. Select ‘Account Details’ from the dropdown menu
  3. Click the link in the ‘Cancel account’ section at the bottom of the page
  4. If your domain name is registered through us, mark the checkbox labeled “I would like to transfer my domain name(s) to a new registrar.”
    • If this option is not available it may mean that your domain name is not registered through us. You’ll need to contact your domain registrar to change your domain nameserver settings to point to your new web host.
  5. Fill in the requested information and you will be emailed a transfer code to take to your new domain registrar or website host.
    • Please fill in all the fields and make sure they are correct or the domain transfer will fail.
    • The domain transfer is free.
    • The transfer process takes approximately 10 business days to complete. This timing applies to all domain transfers with all registrars. There is no way to expedite a domain transfer.
    • Domains that have been registered for less than 60 days cannot be transferred. In this case, please contact our support team so they can push the domain to your ownership instead.
  6. In the ‘Feedback’ field, please leave a short comment as to why you’ve canceled, and then click the ‘Submit Cancel Request’ button.

As soon as the cancel request is submitted, your website will be taken offline and you’ll receive a prorated refund for any unused portion of the last payment on your account.

You can also start the cancellation process from your Bandzoogle main dashboard. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to Bandzoogle or, if you’re logged in, click on the BZ (Home) icon in the top left of your control panel
  2. In the ‘Quick Links’ area, click ‘Account details’
  3. Follow steps 3 - 7 listed above to cancel your account

Note: If you have a paid email account, please archive all your content. All email account contents will be permanently deleted from the servers 14 days after the account cancellation. Please contact our support team if you have questions about how to archive the contents of an email account.

How to cancel your free trial account:

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab click the arrow next to your username in the top right corner
  2. Select ‘Account Details’ from the dropdown menu
  3. Click the link in the ‘Cancel account’ section at the bottom of the page
  4. On the next page, please leave a short comment in the ‘Feedback’ field as to why you’ve canceled, and then click the ‘Submit Cancel Request’ button

As soon as the cancel request is submitted your website will be taken offline.

Notes for both paid plans and free trial accounts:

  • Accounts can ONLY be cancelled by clicking the link in the ‘Cancel account’ section at the bottom of the ‘Account Details’ page.
  • Notifications sent via email or live chat will not be accepted as valid account cancellations.
  • Website content will stay intact, but offline, for 3 years following cancellation in case you’d like to renew your account or restart your free trial.